Walking on a dam under transformation
Sunday April 14 2024 | h 10.00
Dam of Genzano di Lucania (PZ)
The Genzano di Lucania dam came into operation in 2006. It is still considered an 'experimental exercise' in which the natural ecosystem is in the process of settling and definition. The dam belongs to a system of interconnections between various reservoirs that is still in the process of being realized, as it envisages the waters of the Basento river being channeled towards the Acerenza and Genzano dams, also collecting the waters coming from the Camastra dam.
The biodiversity system is therefore in a phase of continuous transformation that will not find its balance until the end of the works.
Walk leaders:
Chiara Rizzi, Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM), University of Basilicata
Silvia Parentini, Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM), University of Basilicata
Saverio Massaro, Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM), University of Basilicata
Vincenzo Pace, Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM), University of Basilicata
Luca Favia, Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM), University of Basilicata
The event is promoted by:
Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures (DiCEM), University of Basilicata
Nature City Lab
Municipality of Genzano di Lucania
SpazioGiovani APS
Ceas SpazioGiovani APS
Onyx Jazz Club APS ETS-Sezione Ambiente
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