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The contribution of Laboratorio del Cammino to planning education

Thursday May 16th 2019 | h.13-14

DiST Lunch Seminar | Vigliano Room, Castello del Valentino, viale Mattioli 39, Politecnico di Torino


In the past three years, the Laboratorio del Cammino (LdC) has been gathering students and researchers to investigate the role of walking in challenging planning education. The teaching program of LdC has included two territorial walks across Italy (a third one will take place in Sardinia in summer 2019), a number of seminars, urban walks, exhibitions and training sessions, which have explored the methodological contribution of walking for investigating territorial phenomena and for shaping stronger ties among universities, civil society and local institutions. The project interprets the concept of territorial vulnerability as a way to describe the epochal transition that cities and territories are currently experiencing and frames it by investigating the set of interconnected spatial and social transformations encountered along the walk, such as environmental degradation, socio-spatial inequalities, demographic decline and shrinkage, and catastrophic events. These complex topics have been analysed by adopting an inter-disciplinary approach that has fostered the exchange among planning and other disciplinary fields such as ecology, sociology, literature and visual arts. The goal of the talk is to highlight the relevant contribution of LdC to innovate planning education and to explain how the project has been able to improve significantly the capacity of students to cope with cities and territories’ ongoing challenges.


Confirmation by May 14th 2019 at


DiST will offer a light lunch (made of a sandwich) to those who will registrate not later than May 14th. Concerning the water, you are strongly invited to bring with you your PoliTobottle.




Logo designed by Giulia Grattini.

Laboratorio del Cammino

c/o Laboratorio del Cammino - APS

viale Giovanni Suzzani 250

20162 Milano MI, Italy


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