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Photo-credit: Matteo Nannini

Along the river Mugnone in feast

Saturday April 13 2024 | h 8.30-18.30

Firenze (from Fiesole to the Park of Cascine)


The event is a collective walk from the source of the Mugnone river (near Fiesole) to its outlet in the Arno. Along the way we will cross rural, periurban and urban landscapes. The route will be divided into stages, in each of which we will meet different activities (water sports, artistic and citizens science’s events).

Citizens, associations, teachers and university students will be involved.

The day will conclude with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Torrent Mugnone Contract, an act of shared commitment by several public stakeholders interested in the environmental and socio-economic regeneration of the stream.


Walk leaders: 

Maria Rita Gisotti and Benedetta Masiani (Laboratorio del Cammino/DIDA-Unifi)

Claudia Mezzapesa and Elena Moretti (Memoscape)

Valeria Lingua and Elisa Caruso (DIDA-Unifi)

Serena Berti and Sandra Cavallucci (Le Curandaie APS)


The event is promoted by:

Dipartimento di Architettura (DIDA), Università degli Studi di Firenze


Le Curandaie APS


To discover more about the event:

Schermata 2024-03-10 alle 14.55.36.png
Marchio Regione Toscana sn.jpeg
logo DIDA.png
DIDalabs-regional design.jpg
Schermata 2024-03-10 alle 14.55.52.png

Logo designed by Giulia Grattini.

Laboratorio del Cammino

c/o Laboratorio del Cammino - APS

viale Giovanni Suzzani 250

20162 Milano MI, Italy


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